October 11, 2023

The Risks of Manual Therapy: Navigating Adverse Treatment Reactions


Techniques like massage, chiropractic adjustments, and physiotherapy are common and popular solutions for many seeking relief from various ailments. However, despite the benefits, there are risks associated with manual therapy that may be overlooked. In this blog, we'll explore the potential adverse treatment reactions associated with manual therapy, , and conclude with constructive suggestions on what to do if you experience problems following a manual therapy appointment.

Adverse Treatment Reactions: What Are They?

Adverse treatment reactions refer to the negative side effects or complications that can arise from manual therapy sessions. While these reactions are not common, they do happen and should not be dismissed. It's crucial to be aware of these risks to make informed decisions about your health care.

Possible Adverse Treatment Reactions

  1. Muscle  Soreness: After a deep tissue massage or a chiropractic adjustment, it's not uncommon to experience muscle soreness. While this is typically temporary and a sign that your body is healing, it can be uncomfortable for some.
  2. Joint Discomfort: In chiropractic adjustments, there is a small risk of joint discomfort or injury, particularly in individuals with underlying joint issues.
  3. Headaches: Some patients report experiencing headaches following manual therapy sessions. This is more likely if the treatment is for neck pain or headaches, it's uncommon but essential to consider it as a potential side effect.
  4. Nerve  Compression: In very rare cases, chiropractic adjustments can lead to nerve irritation, resulting in pain, tingling, or numbness.
  5. Injury  Exacerbation: If a therapist or practitioner is not skilled or experienced, there is a risk that they might inadvertently exacerbate your condition instead of improving it.

What to Do If You Experience Problems

If you've experienced adverse reactions following a manual therapy appointment, here's what you can do:

  1. Contact Your Therapist: Reach out to your therapist or practitioner and discuss your concerns. They should be willing to address your issues and  provide guidance on the next steps. If you have lost confidence in the therapist that you saw you may want to seek a second opinion from a  different manual therapist.
  2. Seek Medical Advice: If the problems persist or worsen, you may wish consult your GP. They can assess the situation, diagnose any complications, and recommend appropriate treatment.
  3. Consider  Legal Recourse: In cases of severe adverse reactions due to  practitioner negligence, you may want to explore legal options to protect your rights and seek compensation for any damages.
  4. Preventative  Measures: To reduce the risk of adverse reactions in the first place, carefully choose a qualified and reputable therapist. Do your research and  ask for recommendations from friends or family.
  5. Communicate Your Medical History: Always provide a thorough medical history to your therapist, including any pre-existing conditions, allergies, or concerns  you may have. This information is crucial for your safety during manual therapy.


While manual therapy is usually a safe and highly beneficial form of healthcare, it is essential to acknowledge and understand the potential risks associated with it. Adverse treatment reactions, though not common, can happen, and it's crucial to be informed and prepared. Remember, your health matters and it's okay to seek help and information when you need it.


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At Cathedral Chiropractic we have three chiropractors and we find that no two chiropractors are the same! What we can assure you is that each of us has our patient’s best interest at heart, that we keep up to date with the literature and keep our therapies evidence led and patient centred. We always Keep your experience in mind and work hard to make it the best we can offer.
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